Dear all, Ralf Hager will deliver the next Oberseminar (05th December,10:00, via Zoom): Title: „Studies on Gentle Revision and Contraction Strategies” Abstract: In AGM theory, the topic of handling iterated changes on belief sets has been intensively discussed and different strategies for change operators have been introduced. Two prominent examples are the natural and the moderate contraction. Natural contraction is focused on making as little changes to the relations between worlds as possible, while for the moderate contraction the new information is always prioritized over existing beliefs. As both forms of belief changes still can be very severe regarding their consequences, approaches to weaken them by defining a gentle version have been proposed. The topic of this master’s thesis is a thorough analysis of natural and moderate contractions and revisions as well as the gentle contraction versions and the attempt to define and characterize gentle versions of natural and moderate revisions in the spirit of the corresponding gentle contractions. **We cordially ask the attendees to turn on their cameras and turn off their microphones during the presentation. Zoom Room:<> --- Current Scheduled Talks ---- * 05th December, Ralf Hager, MSc proposal * 12th December, Dominik Lewin * 19th December, Joris Plettscher, BSc defense If you do not wish to receive messages from this mailing list anymore, please let me know by simply responding „unsubscribe“ to this mail (<>). Best regards, Steffi Blümel - Sekretariat - ---------------------------------------------------- FernUniversität in Hagen Fakultät Mathematik und Informatik / Lehrgebiet Künstliche Intelligenz Universitätsstraße 1 58097 Hagen Fon: + 49 23 31 - 9 87 40 06 E-Mail:<>