Dear all,
Prof. Dr. Badran Raddaoui
(invited by Prof. Dr. Matthias Thimm)
will deliver the next Oberseminar (28th November,10:00, via Zoom):
Title: „Normative reasoning based on inconsistency measures“
Abstract: Conflicts are inherent to normative systems and can manifest in various logical forms. In this talk,
I will present a novel approach to normative reasoning by quantifying the amount of conflicts within normative systems. We refine the idea from classical logic, according to which a formula is a consequence of a knowledge base if its negation renders the base
inconsistent. Our approach evaluates whether a formula is a logical consequence based, for instance, on its negation's marginal contribution to the inconsistency of the knowledge base. To this end, I will propose various inconsistency measures and corresponding
nonmonotonic and paraconsistent normative entailment relations. I will also provide a systematic analysis of these entailment relations by examining them against a number of logical properties. To illustrate our approach, we employ Input/Output logic, a renowned
formalism in deontic logic, specifically designed for defeasible normative reasoning.
**We cordially ask the attendees to turn on their cameras and turn off their microphones during the presentation.
Current Scheduled Talks ----
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Steffi Blümel
- Sekretariat -
FernUniversität in Hagen
Fakultät Mathematik und Informatik /
Lehrgebiet Künstliche Intelligenz
Universitätsstraße 1
58097 Hagen
Fon: + 49 23 31 - 9 87 40 06