Dear all, Ulrich Karkmann will deliver the next Oberseminar (21st November,10:00, via Zoom): Title: „Implementing Serialization Sequences of Abstract Argumentation Frameworks using Answer Set Programming“ Abstract: Abstract argumentation frameworks, consisting of arguments and a binary relation between them, are a simple and powerful method to represent and analyse human argumentation. The set(s) of arguments that might prevail over all other arguments are called extensions, which can be defined in different ways. Certain extensions can be serialized by putting their arguments (or subsets of arguments) in a specific order that corresponds to the human way of considering arguments sequentially and thus improves the persuasiveness of an extension. Computing the extensions and their serializations is a nondeterministic combinatorial problem for which Answer Set Programming can be a suitable programming paradigm. The aim of the proposed bachelor thesis is to provide an implementation for computing serialization sequences of abstract argumentation frameworks using Answer Set Programming. **We cordially ask the attendees to turn on their cameras and turn off their microphones during the presentation. Zoom Room:<> --- Current Scheduled Talks ---- * 21st November, Ulrich Karkmann, BSc proposal * 28th November, Badran Raddaoui (invited speaker) * 05th December, Ralf Hager * 12th December, Dominik Lewin * 19th December, Joris Plettscher, BSc defense If you do not wish to receive messages from this mailing list anymore, please let me know by simply responding „unsubscribe“ to this mail (<>). Best regards, Steffi Blümel - Sekretariat - ---------------------------------------------------- FernUniversität in Hagen Fakultät Mathematik und Informatik / Lehrgebiet Künstliche Intelligenz Universitätsstraße 1 58097 Hagen Fon: + 49 23 31 - 9 87 40 06 E-Mail:<>