Dear all,

Theodoros Doukas will deliver the next Oberseminar (23rd January,10:00, via Zoom):

Title: „Towards Characterisations of Non-Admissible Semantics in Abstract Argumentation“

Abstract: An abstract argumentation framework is a formalism that uses a directed graph of interacting arguments to represent knowledge, thus modelling an exchange of opposing viewpoints. Semantics determine the sets of simultaneously acceptable arguments, the so-called extension-sets. We analyse representatives of the class of non-admissible semantics, particularly the undisputed, strongly undisputed, weakly admissible, and weakly preferred semantics, and determine properties of the extension-sets they produce, as well as structural features of frameworks that realise extension-sets under these semantics. We describe a class of extension-sets for which we show that it is not realisable under undisputed semantics. We also identify concepts that have proven to be useful in the construction of frameworks that aim to realise given extension-sets under classical semantics and transfer them to the non-admissible case.

**We cordially ask the attendees to turn on their cameras and turn off their microphones during the presentation.

Zoom Room:


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Steffi Blümel

 - Sekretariat -



FernUniversität in Hagen

Fakultät Mathematik und Informatik /

Lehrgebiet Künstliche Intelligenz

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58097 Hagen

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