Dear all,
first of all a happy new year!
Lucas Filipiak
will deliver the next Oberseminar (9th January,10:00, via Zoom):
Title: „Refining the Acceptance Problem in Abstract Argumentation by selecting Extensions“
Abstract: A challenge for credulous and sceptical acceptance in Abstract Argumentation is the potentially exponential
number of extensions yielded by an extension-based semantics, allowing too many arguments to be credulously accepted, or too few arguments to be sceptically accepted. In the proposed thesis, methods to refine acceptance by selecting extensions based on rules
from Voting Theory will be explored.
**We cordially ask the attendees to turn on their cameras and turn off their microphones during the presentation.
Current Scheduled Talks ----
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Best regards,
Steffi Blümel
- Sekretariat -
FernUniversität in Hagen
Fakultät Mathematik und Informatik /
Lehrgebiet Künstliche Intelligenz
Universitätsstraße 1
58097 Hagen
Fon: + 49 23 31 - 9 87 40 06